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30 Tips To Become Pretty Like A Model In 3 Months

Becoming a model is not as difficult or expensive as we may think. It is mostly about taking care of yourself and being super confident about yourself. I have made a list 29 habits to help you transform into a model in just three months. Take advantage of these tips which will help you eliminate harmful habits, help you enhance physical attractiveness and teach you more about self-care, so you can glow up and become a model in just three months!

  1. Commit to a Consistent Routine

Your body needs a consistent day and night routine to stay healthy. Make a healthy routine and follow it consistently for clear skin, shiny hair and good general health.

  1. Eliminate Unhealthy Habits

Diet effects everything! Avoid food with excessive sugar, alcohol and other unhealthy food. Doing this will prevent bloating, reduce the chances of acne and wight fluctuations enhancing your overall look.

  1. Strengthen Your Jawline Naturally

Chewing gum regularly is a good trick to reduce face chubbiness and develop an attractive jawline.

  1. Increase Protein Intake

To maintain a model-like body try to eat protein rich diet, foods such as eggs, fish and red meat would help you achieve that body.

  1. Develop a Signature Walk

Posture reflects confidence! Stand tall with your back straight and head high. First impression is everything.

  1. Upgrade Your Personal Hygiene

Level up your skin, hair and body care. Have thorough skin care routine which you follow consistently every day. Moisturising, exfoliation, hydrating, all these steps are very important to maintain your appearance.

  1. Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Reducing coffee and tea intake will make a significant difference, additionally, you could also use baking soda to whiten your teeth.

  1. Start a Low-Impact Workout Routine

Physical activity whether it’s gym, jogging or simple strength training will help you maintain your physique in the long term.

  1. Practice Facial Expressions

Models are great at using their facial expressions to assert confidence. Be aware of your expressions when in social setting, this will enhance your attractiveness and confidence.

  1. Refine Your Eyebrows

Keep your eyebrows in shape to improve your overall look.

  1. Get a Professional Hair Trim

Trimming hair regularly keeps it healthy. Make sure to do this even if your goal is to grow hair.

  1. Excessive heat damaging hair

Using hair dryer could damage hair follicles leading to hair loss. Let your hair air-dry or using a towel is a better option.

  1. Perfect Your Nail Game

Good hand and nail hygiene will improve your general appearance and help you make a solid first impression, you will come across as a person who knows how to take care of themselves.

  1. Switch to a Silk or Satin Pillowcase

This is a simple but effective tip. A soft pillow will keep your skin soft and comfortable through the night reducing the risk of irritation and acne breakouts.

  1. Upgrade Your Fashion Choices

This one might require some experimenting but take your time to do it, trust me it will pay off. Certain styles suit specific body types, find what works for you and start wearing that more frequently. This will keep you looking amazing forever!

  1. Master the Art of Layering Perfume

Smelling good is a must! Use natural oil scents to reduce skin exposure to toxic chemicals. And have a signature smell that people remember you by.

  1. Enhance Your Lashes Naturally

Castor oil is widely in used in hair care, it is known for making the lashes dense and healthy. Do this once a week to take advantage of its qualities.

  1. Improve Your Core Strength

This will help you improve your posture.

  1. Hydrate Your Lips Properly

Use lip balms to avoid your lips looking dry and unhealthy. You could also take advantage of more natural ingredients such as coconut oil and honey to keep them plumpy and soft.

  1. Experiment with Minimalist Makeup

Use simple makeup to make your natural facial features pop out. This will make a huge difference to your appearance in a good way.

  1. Master Hair Styling Techniques

Is there a hairstyle which you get compliments on? if the answer is yes, you should use that style more frequently to up your look. You could also experiment to discover more styles which might suit you. Knowing which styles go well with your body and face type can make a huge difference.

  1. Develop a Healthy Sleep Cycle

Sleep for between 7-9 hours every day to keep you fresh and energetic next morning. Lack of sleep can show as dark circles, dull unhealthy appearance of skin and exhaustion.

  1. Adopt a Daily Stretching Routine

This is an important one. Daily stretching will keep your posture straight and confident when you walk.

  1. Massage for Facial Features

Massages can help you get defined jaw lines and facial bones.

25. Work on a Confident Presence

When a person opens their mouth, they tell the world who they are. Carry yourself well and have a smile on your face. Self-confidence is attractive.

  1. Get Comfortable in Front of a Camera

I did not like my own photos either, but with time I learned it is just about knowing which poses work for you. Trust me, once you practice your camera poses enough you will know exactly what to do to click cute photos. Practice your poses in a mirror.

  1. Focus on Inner Beauty and Charisma

Be kind to others with no expectations, don’t discuss someone’s mistakes behind them, inner beauty is very attractive and will create a very strong image of you in other peoples eyes.

28. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

You attract energy from your surroundings, keep your environment positive by having positive people around you. This will ensure mental well-being and keep you on track to achieve your goals.

  1. Celebrate Your Progress

It is important to celebrate small victories along the way. Give yourself credit for working hard, this will keep you motivated to do more.

Becoming pretty means self-growth, confidence and embracing your weaknesses and strengths. Do these steps on daily basis over the next three months to see results. You will feel a big boost in your confidence, inner beauty and physical attractiveness. Stay consistent and patient. Goodluck!

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