26 Tips: How to Have Pretty Eyes
There is a saying that eyes are the windows to the soul, and also the first thing others notice of you. Although, you could spend thousands to make your eyes pretty, you don’t have to! Try these 30 simple and effective tips at home to get beautiful eyes. Let’s learn more about eyes!
Get Enough Sleep
The effects of lack of sleep can be devastating for your physical appearance. It can cause dark circles and dullness of the skin around your eyes. Try to sleep for 7-9 hours to get adequate sleep.
Stay Hydrated
Keeping your skin hydrated gives it a pulpy fresh look, lack of hydration will lead to your skin looking dry and dull. It has the same effect on eyes, stay well-hydrated to keep your eyes sparkling!
Eat Eye-Healthy Foods
A well-balanced nutritional diet will help you to maintain good health of your eyes and keep them bright.
Massage Your Under Eyes
Have a time in your day to massage under your eyes, massaging will enhance blood circulation to the surrounding skin reducing puffiness.
Cold Compresses
Use cold compresses (ice bad or cold cloth) to prevent or reduce puffiness on the skin around your eyes.
Try a Cold Green Tea Bag Compress
Green tea is widely used in skincare, it contains antioxidants which have anti-inflammatory characteristics. These compresses will help you prevent dark circles and maintain healthy skin.
Rose Water as an Eye Soother
Just a few drops can be very beneficial for your eyes, rose water will refresh your eyes and give them a glowing appearance.
Blink More Often
We tend to avoid blinking when using phone/computer screens, this can lead to symptoms such as eye irritation, itchiness and redness, giving eyes an unhealthy appearance. Actively blink more frequently when using screens. and try to reduce screen usage to keep your eyes healthy.
Blue-Filtering Coating
If you wear glasses for vision you could add a blue light filtering coating to the lenses, this will keep your eyes comfortable during screen use. If you do not wear glasses normally you could still get them and use specifically for screen tasks throughout the day
Apply Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera is natural and powerful ingredient which will help you hydrate your skin.
Keep Your Eyelashes Clean
Dirt and makeup can build up on lashes leading to possible eye irritation and discomfort, clean your lashes regularly particularly at night before bed.
Castor Oil on Eyelashes
Applying castor oil will stimulate hair growth and strengthen your lash hair. Do this 1-2 a week for pretty and dense lashes.
Eyebright Herb Wash
Use eyebright herb as a natural eye wash to alleviate symptoms of redness and irritation.
Rubbing Eyes
We are all guilty of this one! But over rubbing of your eyes can irritate them resulting in itchiness, red appearance, and unhealthy surrounding skin. Over rubbing your eyes can also lead to astigmatism, requiring you to wear glasses.
Keep the air in your room moisturised which can be healthy for eyes.
Sunglasses Outdoors
Sunlight contains harmful UV rays which can damage the health of your eyes, frequent prolonged exposure can cause cataract. Use sunglasses when outdoors to reduce UV rays’ exposure.
Eyebrows Grooming
Remove excess hair form your eyebrows to maintain a pretty look. Well-shaped eyebrows will make your eyes look very pretty.
Vitamin E Eye Cream
Keep taking your vitamins, particularly vitamin E. Buy Vitamin E based eye cream and apply regularly to keep the skin around eyes smooth and glowing.
If you have dry eyes or just sensitive eyes in general, Omega-3 supplements can really improve things. It is good for keeping your eyes generally healthy, leading to a healthy look.
Makeup For Eye Contrast
Use natural makeup like light mascara and a soft touch of eye liner to make your eyes stand out, without it being “too much”. Do it in a way that makes your natural eye colour pop out.
Dab Honey Around Eyes
If you tend to get puffy skin easily, you could try honey dabs to reduce the inflammation.
White or Nude Eyeliner on the Waterline
It’s an effective trick to make your eyes look larger and prettier.
Salt Intake
Diet effects almost everything about us, even our eyes! salt-rich diet can lead water retention in the body and puffy eyes.
A smiling person is always pretty, positivity is attractive. Try to keep a smile on your face to enhance your look in general.
Natural Light
Harsh lights can be very rough on the eyes causing discomfort and dullness. Spend more time in natural light environments to maintain healthy eyes in the long term.
Reduce Stress and Relax
Things like stress, anxiety and sleep deprivation can be easily reflected in your eyes as dark circles, redness or dull appearance. Keep calm and do stress-busting activities to always keep your eyes pretty.
Anyone can take advantage of these tips, they are easy to do and will not cost you a fortune to get pretty eyes. however, you must show patience and consistency for at least a month to see results. Good luck on your journey!