
25 Teen Morning Routine Ideas For Self Growth.

Especially as a teen morning can be a struggle! When you have so many things to wake up to, sometimes you just don’t want to wake up and hit a snooze on that alarm. Don’t worry we have all been through that phase, including myself. Creating a structured morning routine can really help you to start your day on a positive note and also make you feel mentally prepared for all the daily tasks!

I have made a list of 25 things which really helped me and a lot of people to get up and start their day on a positive note.

  1. Set a Consistent Wake-Up Time

Having a sense of consistency motivates you, try to wake up at around the same time every morning. This also regulates your natural body clock and you feel generally happier.

  1. Drink Water First Thing

Hydrate your body to help it “wakeup”, do this as soon as your eye opens. The best way to do it is to keep a glass of water or your water bottle by your bed before you go to sleep.

  1. Do a Quick Stretch

This is to physically activate your body after a long relaxing sleep. It doesn’t have to long, 2-3 min of stretching would be enough.

  1. Take a Cold Splash

This one might be a bit uncomfortable but trust me a splash of cold water when you are sleepy wakes you up like nothing else! This will get you up and thinking.

  1. Plan Your Outfit the Night Before

Just to save yourself some time in the mornings you could plan your outfit the night before. This was life changing for me as I’m the type to freak out looking for the “perfect outfit” before I leave for work.

  1. Create a Morning Playlist

Listening to your favourite song in the mornings can put you in a very good mood which is much needed every morning. I personally like to listen to some classical!

  1. Eat a Balanced Breakfast

It is a very important meal of the day, eat a healthy nutrition-rich breakfast to fuel your body all the energy consuming activities you will be doing later.

  1. Limit Screen Time

It can be very hard to not look at your phone right away after waking up, but it is very important to only focus on yourself in the mornings to make sure your day begins on a good note. If you come across something sad or violent while scrolling on social media that can really spoil your day.

  1. Journal or Plan Your Day

Writing a paragraph or even a few sentences about something you would like to achieve this year, month or week can bring out positivity from within. Journaling is something very personal, write about anything at all for example, planning your weekend, buying that purse you saw last week, it is completely up to you!

  1. Make Your Bed

A simple activity but a very effective one! surroundings have a huge impact on how we feel so keep your surroundings clean and organised.

  1. Do a Mini Workout

This will help you feel fresh as working out enhances blood circulation. Do a simple 5 min workout or a yoga session.

  1. Prep Your School Bag

Do you know what spoiled my mood? When I would suddenly remember that I forgot my notes or my favourite pen at home after arriving in collage. Avoid this feeling by preparing your bag before your breakfast so you remember to do it.

  1. Listen to a Podcast

A bit of motivation in the mornings can last the whole day. Listen to a podcast with your headphones on while working out or making breakfast.

  1. Set an Alarm You Love

Some alarms can sound very annoying, set an alarm that isn’t very harsh on the ears. It is a small thing which will help you begin your day in a good way.

  1. Try Positive Affirmations

Say something positive to yourself when getting ready for collage, it could be anything like “it will be a beautiful day today”, or “I feel so happy”. Affirmations are effective because if you say something to yourself enough times the mind starts believing it, and it therefore happens. It is truly magical.


  1. Pack Healthy Snacks

My favourite time of the day is when I feel like snacking! Pack some healthy snacks which your body can both enjoy and benefit from. It could be chocolate protein bars, fruits, even fresh smoothies.

  1. Stay Organised

To make sure you can perform all these tasks in the morning, it is a good idea to write a checklist before sleeping at night, this list will include all the things you have to do in the morning.

  1. Plan Your Look

Planning your look for example, hairstyle, outfit and perfumes etc will help you look the best every single day. When we look nice our confidence shoots up psychologically!

  1. Fresh Air

Open your window or go outside to catch some fresh air, this will make you feel better.

  1. Fighting The Snooze Button

We have all the problem of hitting snooze till the last minute, I would keep my phone (or alarm) far away from my bed, it would force me to get up every single morning. The earlier you get up the more work you get done!

  1. Keep Your Room Tidy

Waking up in a clean, tidy space is very motivating and puts you in a good mood right away!

  1. Use a Skincare Routine

Take care of the health of your skin. It is particularly important in the mornings as oil and dirt can collect in our skin follicles as we sleep through the night. Use a gentle face wash, moisturise your skin and use sunscreen to keep your skin healthy.

  1. Plan Your Day’s Priorities

Prioritise the most important activates of the day and make sure they get done. This could be revising a particular subject for 2 hours today or working on your assignment.

  1. Stay Calm

Life can be very stressful as a teen, there is so much to think about whether its bills, exams, assignments, social life, and more. I understand that, but just acknowledge your efforts and know that everything will work out at the end, its matter of time. Remaining calm in stress goes a long way.

  1. Celebrate Small Wins

Reward yourself for your hard work! Treat yourself to something you like every week, whether it’s movies with friends or your favourite type of food. This will keep you motivated.

I’m sure that by following this list of 25 morning activities you’ll feel magical every single day. When your mornings go right, your day goes right. Make sure you are consistent as that the only way you will see noticeable improvement. Good luck!

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